Finally here we are! Here is all the news and the guide through our new website.
Original, relaxing, usable by anyone, and above all you don’t need to register to use the most advanced features.
The menu is easily navigated, the families are divided by colors, the items are in alphanumeric order and sorted. And then descriptions of our company, what we offer, news, photos, upcoming promotions, how to find us: there really is everything.
The site is open equally to both visitors and customers: being transparent is essential for us. Anyone can consult our products, our technical data sheets, our measurements and our availability, and there is also the possibility of making requests for offers.
Among the News you will find the article that describes in depth how to use this platform and what has changed compared to the previous one. The site will undergo continuous updates and checks to make sure to keep it at its best. You can contribute too! If you notice irregularities, errors or missing fields, write to us at info@kilton.it and report the problem: we will solve it and you will receive a nice gadget!